詳細說明:保溫救生服 | 本公司生產銷售供應 保溫救生服,救生服,保溫服,保溫救生衣,防寒救生服,防寒救生衣,絕熱型浸水保溫救生服,浸水保溫服,浸水救生服,中國船級社-CCS船檢證書,GL德國勞氏船級社-GL船檢證書,歐盟EC證書,歐盟CE證書。歡迎咨詢絕熱型浸水保溫服價格! 保溫救生服: | DBF-I型絕熱型浸水保溫服是按照SOLAS公約、IM0規范要求設計生產的,供船舶及海上作業平上的作業人員在寒冷水域、惡劣環境中進行救生、保溫的專用服裝。它由防水面料和保溫浮力材料制造,將衣褲、手套、耐油靴連成一體,遮蓋除臉部以外的整個身體,具有浮力、水密和自然保溫功能,配有救生衣燈和救生哨笛,不需加穿救生衣,是各航區航行船舶和海上平臺必備的個人救生器材。 該產品經中國船級社型式認可和檢驗,有中國船級社-CCS船檢證書。 |
| DBF-II型絕熱型浸水保溫服具有浮力的、無須加穿救生衣的絕熱型浸水保溫服。面料采用優質氯丁橡膠(NEOPRENE),具有防水性、保溫性、耐溫性、阻燃性、耐油性及規定的強度,為多層復合型,無毒、無刺激性氣味,不會因海上空氣、海水、淡水、油及真菌而影響使用。 該產品經中國船級社型式認可和檢驗,有中國船級社CCS證書。 該型號產品已獲得歐盟EC認可,取得GL德國勞氏船級社-GL船檢證書。歐盟EC認可,德國勞氏船級社GL船檢證書(點擊看證書圖片)EC證書編號:45 384-07 Lux 型號 | DFB-I | DFB-II | 材料 | 1. 外殼:尼龍防水布2. 內芯:A.聚乙烯泡沫(厚:0.5CM)B.鍍鋁膜3. 尼龍防水布 | 1. 紅色尼龍針織布2. CR氯丁橡膠的海棉貼合片(厚:0.5CM)3. 黑色尼龍針織布 | 穿著時間 | < 2min | 存放溫度 | -30℃-+65℃ | 進水性能 | 穿著者在水中漂浮 1 小時,衣服內的進水量小于 200g 。 | 保溫特性 | 穿著者在 0-2℃ 的靜水流中浸泡 6 小時,體溫降低不超過 2℃ | 浮力性能 | 穿著者能在 5 秒內翻至面部向上的位置,口鼻部露出水面 120mm ,在水中浸泡 24 小時,其浮力損失小于 5℃ 。 | Insulated Immersion and Thermal Protective Suits(DFB-I,DFB-II )DFB-I,DFB-II life-saving suit is up to the regulation of SOLAS convention and IMO standard,it posses water-tight,floating and thermo-insulation func-tions and equipped with lamp and whistle,the jacket and pants of the suit are joined together and can cover the whole body except face,it is suitable for shipping,offshore platform and other sea projects,the product is authorized by china classifrcation society of shipping.Wearing time | <2min | Storage temperature | -30℃~+65℃ | Specification | Type L:It is suitable for the person who is higher over 1.75m; Type S:It is suitable for the person who is lower than 1.75m;; | Waterproof performance | The water-permeability amount is less than 200g after the wearer has floated on water one hour. | Thermo-insulation performance | After the wearer soaks in stationary water of 0-2℃ 6 hours ,the drop of the body-temperature is less than 2℃. | Floating performance | The wearer can turn over within 5S,so that face toward up and the nose and mouth portion is 120mm above the water level ,after the wearer soaks in water 24hours,the floating force loss of the suit is less than 5%. |
| | 點擊數:11 錄入時間:2009-6-1 【打印此頁】 【關閉】 | |